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Book as Artwork 1960/1972

Book as Artwork 1960/1972

Germano Celant

Penned by the critic and curator Germano Celant to accompany an exhibition at Nigel Greenwood Gallery in London, it was the first critical consideration of the artist's book.
Un folle amore: la collezione Luigi e Peppino Agrati

Un folle amore: la collezione Luigi e Peppino Agrati

Germano Celant

165 Piero Manzoni Soncino, 1933 -Milano, 1963 Bibliografia essenziale Germano Celant, Piero Manzoni. Catalogo generale, Milano, Prearo Editore, 1975; Freddy Battino, Luca Palazzoli, a cura di, Piero Manzoni. Catalogue raisonné, Milano ...
Design--Vignelli: essays

Design--Vignelli: essays

Germano Celant

Presents the firm's designs for commercial packaging, signage, magazines, offices, tableware, and more


Germano Celant

Few living photographers are as controversial and provocative as Joel-Peter Witkin.
Andres Serrano: Holy Works

Andres Serrano: Holy Works

Germano Celant

This volume is Serrano's major statement of his religious and artistic belief.
Tribeca talks

Tribeca talks

Germano Celant

In addition to the film program is the Tribeca Talks panel series that includes one-on-one discussions with influential filmmakers. This publication is a collection of transcripts from the Tribeca Talks panels of 2002 and 2003.
Ladies and Gents: Public Toilets and Gender

Ladies and Gents: Public Toilets and Gender


For more on Manzoni's Artist's Shit, see Germano Celant, Piero Manzoni (Paris: Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris, 1991); and Freddy Battino, Piero Manzoni: catalogue raisonné (Milan: Vanni Schweiler, 1991). 25. A. C. Grayling, “ An ...
Aktionskunst in der Slowakei in den 1960er Jahren: Aktionen ...

Aktionskunst in der Slowakei in den 1960er Jahren: Aktionen ...


Freddy Battino, Luca Palazzoli (Hg.), Edizioni di Vanni Scheimiller, Milano 1991. Manzoni Piero. Germano Celant (Hg.), Serpentine Gallery/Charta, Milano 1998. Medek Mikuláš. Obelisk, Praha 1970. Medek Mikuláš. Antonín Hartmann (Hg.) ...
From Dissertation to Book, Second Edition

From Dissertation to Book, Second Edition

William Germano

Now revised and updated to reflect the evolution of scholarly publishing, this edition includes a new chapter arguing that the future of academic writing is in the hands of young scholars who must create work that meets the broader ...
Over the range: a history of the Promontory Summit route of ...

Over the range: a history of the Promontory Summit route of ...

Richard V. Francaviglia

Frank Wendell Call, Gandydancer's Children: A Railroad Memoir (Reno: University of Nevada Press, 2ooo). 43. Germano Pucci, interview by Phil Notarianni and Greg Thompson, Brigham City, Utah, Aug. 29, 1974, Ethnic Oral History, pp.
Deep storage: collecting, storing, and archiving in art

Deep storage: collecting, storing, and archiving in art

Ingrid Schaffner

Bibliography V. Greco, '8 questions to Piero Manzoni' In II Travaso, Milan, 5.10. 1959 □ Ger- mano Celant, Piero Manzoni (cat. of works), Milan 1974 □ Freddy Battino, Piero Manzoni: Catalogue Raisonni, Milan 1991 □ Gerald Silk, 'Myths and ...

who called from an unknown number?